Monday, August 15, 2016


We should know the meaning of life, before going more deeper.
LIFE can be defined in term of How we live life and Time we live life, Biblical View (God Purpose)

A. How We Live
Life is experience, including what we face, what we do, what challenge us, what we wear and eat, how we feel about what we have and how we feel about our path, from birth to dearth, from unfortunate to fortune.

B. Time We Live
Life is time, time is life.
Your time is you life, and your life is your time.
Life is total of second you live in visible world. Eternal life has no time.
When God bless someone to live longer he give him more time. When God bless someone to have wonderful time, he give him wonderful life.

C. Biblical View
Bible include both How we Live and Time We live.

Bible define life total of time you live, how you start, how you live, what you do and how you finish the race.

I.e Bible compose what you encounter and how you respond, what you do, you intent in heart and the results of what you do, and How God view what you do and how He respond in your lifetime.

Life is time, filled with seasons and moment. Life is time filled with past, present and future.

Life is what you face, feel and do external and inside, and what you face and do in public and in private.

When we look someone life in funeral we always look the time he live, How he live, And What he do with that time.

• When God give us life, He give us the time with specific starting point, and the specific limit of that time that you cant exceed.
   - And God is looking how you use that time, and at the end Jesus shall never judge how long you live, but rather He will judge what you do with time and how you use that time.

• Even, at the funeral, people always discuss what you do and how you live, and how you care about them. Simply they judge someone ethics, moral, attitude, behavior.

• Something to Note: We Don't Have Two Life. We all have only One Life, Unless God Decide to bring you again as John The Baptist. To be raised again is not two life. Only Elijah experience second life as John Baptist. Because second life means to be physically born again.
To be born again is to be given A New Life in Spirit not Physically, that you will never leave this visible world, No!.

Means; Use your time well.

• To Go in Heaven or in hell, Is simply determined by How you spend and Do with Time.

• Note That: Despite, We all have different measures of time but we all have sufficient measure of Time according to what God want to be done through us in this Planet, for this and the coming generation. Hallelujah!

"You will never experience the meaning of life until you start living for God Glory, until you understand that you've been born for God"

"Never count that you give more, unless you give yourself "

Under the Strong Help of Holy Spirit.
Written by ULENJE

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