Friday, August 26, 2016




this is second phase of life, is very important phase, while its important determined by how you spend the first phase, and how fast you're to work with opportunities that God provide according to your purpose.

Look Jesus First: After Jesus becoming what He was born to become  A Savior (the First Phase) then He immediately start doing.

He start to preach the gospel of the Kingdom in all towns, clean leapers, heal the deaf, make the blind to see, rise the dead, and cancel demons. Crucified and rise from the dead, and give salvation to all mankind.
In fact Jesus start doing, after he completely becoming what he was born to do.

Know who you are, then becoming what you discover you're, then immediately start doing what you become. Procrastination is tragedy.

"Know who you're, Become It, Immediately Do it"
~ Ev.Ulenje

Remember God will test you first to prove and to qualify you. He will never chose you because you qualify, but he will qualify you first or within the work.

3. LEGACY (After Life)

This is final phase of every human.

"Nothing is powerful than death"
Ev. Ulenje

When you die, everything die; despite the great plans and dream you have, the vision and great course, and career, but when death show up_everything die.

Fear of death cant stop death, only preparation for it and doing effective with life you have make death have no power. In fact the cure of all diseases and fear is death, when you die no diseases or fear can touch you. Only what you have done carry your name after you die, not your good clothes.

Its better to be victim of what you have done, than to be the king of what you procrastinate. At the end, the matter of all things is what you have done. Its better to live a short life of Glory than the long one of obscurity (anonymous)

After Jesus finished his work; Teach good news to the poor, set captivity free, open the blind, heal the broken heart, and preached the acceptable year of the Lord, He die on the cross, Resurrect, Announce the Great announce ever announced, that "It is Finished", he immediately went back to heaven, he didn't say Father no! I love the world. No because He knew the first and second phase is done, Now is time for legacy phase.

Note this: when He Go, His disciples immediately start preaching what he preach: the gospel of the kingdom.

Why? This is what He leave. He leave the generation who were Fisher of fish, he work hard with little sleep and uncomfortable rest to make them Fisher of man, and Kingdom Expansion Agents....the Question; what are you doing????

What happen now?!: Jesus was not in visible world.....

Jesus finish His work, return to invisible world where He come from.... but look_his idea, perspectives, culture, thought and moral and life make him alive in visible world.

Think with me, sometimes you don't need to receive healing or answers for your prayers to feel the presence of Jesus in the world. In fact Jesus is not present in Visible world now, but you cant Ignore this Great eternal public figure in visible world_ we mention Him in books, Broadcastings, wearing clothes with His name, make Christmas trees and use His principles.

Act 11:26 is When Christian in Antioch who were consumed with Jesus Christ, and out of abundance of their heart their action, idea and their life perspective speak, people they called them Christian.

Act 24:5 Christian in Palestine after they consumed with Jesus, their action and idea of life speak, then people of Palestine they called then Nazarenes— to refer the nick name they called Jesus (Math 2:23)
These are few legacies am talking about.

You can do that too_You can live after you die_it's not ok to die in anonymity. Be ready to pay the price.

"The legacy need more commitment than people are willing to pay"

Get some of example of people who are still alive while they died: Paul, John, Peter, Luke, Timothy the Apostles, Martin Luther King Jr, John Wesley, T.R Osborn, Myles Monroe,  Oral Robert, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandera, J.K Nyerere, Bishop Kurola etc.

Next part we gonna Focus How these Three phases work in our life and how to use them effective.
Thank you for reading....
Director CWGM

Thursday, August 25, 2016


# GENERAL PRINCIPLE OF GOD CREATION: God plan, then create: Your birth is God planning; God first make a plan, then he form you exactly with power, talent and abilities to execute what he plan, then he plan the accurate time that is sufficient to accomplish what he plan.

He plan an accurate woman and man, and accurate event for you to meet and face (bad or good) and how you should be born. Then he allow birth according to what he plan. And what drive him is his plan. We call it Purpose of your born. What you're born to do. Plasm 90:10, 139:13-16, Job 31:15; 14:1-6.

• Don't say you have few days to accomplish your dream and what you're born to do.
Jesus had only 33.5 years to live in this visible world, Poul the apostle had only 60 years to live, but he accomplish his purpose to spread the gospel to the nations.

• Therefore: Life is time include  both experience, and what you do with it.

In this subject, we gonna lean How to Use our Time Effectively as God plan for us to Live.

Life we live in, has phases. You can define many phases according to experience you encounter. But all are come together to these three phases: Becoming, Doing, And Legacy.

In can prove by using Jesus life in visible world and now in invisible world.
Jesus has effective, simple and meaning life.

1. Becoming Someone (Kufanyika Fulani)
Jesus was born a king (Isaiah 7:14) whilst He use 30 years to become a king, He was born as Minister with all five  ministry yet He had to spend 30 Years to be trained For His earthly ministry, And 40 days to be tested.
He was first had to go to Egypt as it was written, He was able to live everywhere he could chose but he had been living in Nazareth, Why? As it was written, The Son will be called Nazarene.

Why everything as it was written, the birth, the life, the death and even the resurrection: as it is written means: "HE SUPPOSE TO BECOME LIKE THIS"
Becoming means to develop your original identity that God pre-destined for you. Jesus identity was written, therefore despite the power He had to kill Herod, but He didn't Why, Because He suppose to become that identity.

In Luke 2, We see Jesus spent his 30 years not teaching but leaning and becoming, gaining favor from God and men. Here is the story; when he was Child about 12 years old, He go to Synagogue. The Bible never say, He teach, the Bible say, He ask question and listen. Why He want to become.
When John saw Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world. John 1:29. Before that John identify himself as The One Crying In the Wilderness. John 1:23.
Why? Jesus become Lamb of God and John become One Crying in Wilderness.
And after the process of becoming, he Go to the wilderness to be tested, to be checked if he qualify. Angels come to worship Him, with joy because Jesus qualify to become as He was Born To become. Then He start Doing.

To be continued....
Thank you for reading...
Written by Ev. Ulenje
Director CWGM

Monday, August 15, 2016


We should know the meaning of life, before going more deeper.
LIFE can be defined in term of How we live life and Time we live life, Biblical View (God Purpose)

A. How We Live
Life is experience, including what we face, what we do, what challenge us, what we wear and eat, how we feel about what we have and how we feel about our path, from birth to dearth, from unfortunate to fortune.

B. Time We Live
Life is time, time is life.
Your time is you life, and your life is your time.
Life is total of second you live in visible world. Eternal life has no time.
When God bless someone to live longer he give him more time. When God bless someone to have wonderful time, he give him wonderful life.

C. Biblical View
Bible include both How we Live and Time We live.

Bible define life total of time you live, how you start, how you live, what you do and how you finish the race.

I.e Bible compose what you encounter and how you respond, what you do, you intent in heart and the results of what you do, and How God view what you do and how He respond in your lifetime.

Life is time, filled with seasons and moment. Life is time filled with past, present and future.

Life is what you face, feel and do external and inside, and what you face and do in public and in private.

When we look someone life in funeral we always look the time he live, How he live, And What he do with that time.

• When God give us life, He give us the time with specific starting point, and the specific limit of that time that you cant exceed.
   - And God is looking how you use that time, and at the end Jesus shall never judge how long you live, but rather He will judge what you do with time and how you use that time.

• Even, at the funeral, people always discuss what you do and how you live, and how you care about them. Simply they judge someone ethics, moral, attitude, behavior.

• Something to Note: We Don't Have Two Life. We all have only One Life, Unless God Decide to bring you again as John The Baptist. To be raised again is not two life. Only Elijah experience second life as John Baptist. Because second life means to be physically born again.
To be born again is to be given A New Life in Spirit not Physically, that you will never leave this visible world, No!.

Means; Use your time well.

• To Go in Heaven or in hell, Is simply determined by How you spend and Do with Time.

• Note That: Despite, We all have different measures of time but we all have sufficient measure of Time according to what God want to be done through us in this Planet, for this and the coming generation. Hallelujah!

"You will never experience the meaning of life until you start living for God Glory, until you understand that you've been born for God"

"Never count that you give more, unless you give yourself "

Under the Strong Help of Holy Spirit.
Written by ULENJE